Thursday, January 11, 2007

Give Me Freedom or Give Me Death

Patrick Henry apparently hadn’t foreseen Mazlov’s Hiercharchy of Needs. In 1934, Abraham Mazlov proposed a theory in which he listed all the human needs and organized them into a hierarchy, usually shown as a pyramid. He placed the most basic, physiological needs (breathing, food, etc.) at the bottom with safety and security needs above that, followed by esteem issues (self-respect, achievement, mutual tolerance) and finally those things dealing with creativity, morality and problem solving.

His theory, fairly well accepted by sociologists, is that one can’t spend much energy on any level of the pyramid until all the lower, more basic, levels have been largely satisfied.

The lesson here? It’s foolish to try to force high level concepts like “democracy” on people still struggling to keep their families safe or worse yet, trying to keep them from starving. Wise up Neocons.


Anonymous said...

And even if base needs are met, such as food and shelter, a real working "democracy" can never really take hold if "equality" is not part of the collective psyche. We are still struggling with that in our own country, with many groups that are still marginalized by the majority.
One can also see the newest group to be proclaimed "unequal", American Muslims, as fear-mongering causes bigotry to once again rear its ugly head.

Leslie said...

One can also see the newest group to be proclaimed "unequal", American Muslims, as fear-mongering causes bigotry to once again rear its ugly head.

Keith Ellison is a great case in point. He has been treated abominably by members of the media, despite the fact that he is an American citizen by birth, because he converted to Islam. His swearing-in ceremony was a stroke of genius, though.

Anonymous said...

A common ideal is "individual rights" which almost always clashes with the "society" in which one lives. We have no understanding of the differences because we don't care; our interest in the Middle East is avarious and not altruistic.

Anonymous said...


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